What mod is blood moon from
What mod is blood moon from

what mod is blood moon from

To some, it's considered the middle ground between Warlocks and orthodox mages due to its dark and corrupting nature. Similarly, Mogu, Fel Orc, and Legion-loyal magi are often familiar with the school and has even extended to even the Scarlet Crusade's Priests, allowing them the ability to filter their lifeforce into another. Some refer to it as "hemomancy" though it is not a term commonly employed in magical nomenclature.Īn old form of magic, the blanket term of "Blood Magic" can extend even to the Bleeding Hollow Clan, whose chieftains used it to foresee their death (At the price of their eye) and alter their warrior's fighting abilities, oftentimes morphing them into Dire Orcs. Using it, wielders have been able to wield blood as a weapon, but also a tool for great and complex deeds such as divination, conjuring storms, and even the creation of life itself.Ī practitioner of blood magic can be referred to as a "bloodmage", distinct from the elven institution of Blood Mages. Considering its capabilities, origins, and demands, blood magic is considered to be a tortured form of Life Magic.

what mod is blood moon from

Blood Magic is one of the forbidden schools of sorcery in Azeroth, Draenor, and other Legion-held planets.

What mod is blood moon from